Bug Hunting

Bug hunting is a dynamic process that involves identifying and
addressing errors or issues (commonly referred to as "bugs") in
software or systems, performed through 'Free Style' testing
without adhering to predefined test cases.

The primary objective of bug hunting is to enhance the stability,
security, and overall quality of software and digital products.

Our bug-hunting service rewards efficient, fast, and effective testers, prioritizing the speed and significance of bug discovery, with payment provided per bug found. Testers have the opportunity to showcase their expertise, earn more rewards, and establish themselves as skilled professionals in software testing.

This new bug-hunting service complements our traditional 'pay-by-the-hour' payment model, offering testers an exciting and rewarding unique opportunity to take on challenges and demonstrate their exceptional skills in a results-driven compensation structure.

Why are bug hunters

Bug hunters are proficient experts responsible for identifying flaws and issues within digital products. Their primary goal is to provide detailed bug reports along with recommendations for effective solutions. It is essential that bug hunters maintain professionalism and respect in their communication, being prepared to address inquiries and furnish additional information when required by the customer.

Bug hunters are rewarded based on their success in discovering good quality bugs ahead of others. However, in a bug-hunting program, rewards are not solely determined by time, effort, or trial, but rather by the successful identification and reporting of quality bugs that are not rejected by the customer as non-relevant, duplicates, etc. Their contributions play a pivotal role in enhancing the quality and security of the tested products.

Work with Ubertesters

  • Make a Real Impact: Your bug discoveries and feedback significantly influence the quality and success of digital products. As a bug hunter, you'll be a key player in improving software and contributing to a seamless user experience.
  • Ubertesters provide networking and collaboration opportunities. Testers who participate in bug-hunting programs can connect with other like-minded professionals from around the world and build relationships that can lead to future career opportunities.
  • Ubertesters provides testers with a valuable opportunity to refine their testing skills and gain hands-on experience in real-world scenarios.
  • Exposure to new technologies: Testers who participate in bug-hunting programs are exposed to a variety of software and technologies, which can broaden their knowledge and experience.
  • Ubertesters streamlines the payment process for bug-hunting efforts, ensuring testers receive timely and transparent compensation while participating in the 'bug-hunting' cycle.  
  • Bonuses: Some test cycles might offer a bonus payout for some specific testers for meeting specific tasks or deadlines.

Why work with us

Skill development

Bug hunting requires various technical skills, including using different testing tools and techniques. Participating in bug-hunting projects allows one to encounter real-world scenarios and challenging bugs that can help testers develop and refine their skills, which can be valuable for their professional development.

New technologies, products, and brands

By engaging in bug-hunting projects with Ubertesters, testers gain exposure to new technologies and cutting-edge digital products, enabling them to stay up-to-date with the latest developments while collaborating with prestigious clients and companies.


Ubertesters bug-hunting test cycles offer freelancers the freedom to choose when and how much they want to work. You can fit testing assignments into your schedule, allowing for a healthy work-life balance.

Competitive Rewards

Ubertesters recognizes and rewards efficient and effective testers. Bug hunters have the opportunity to earn more by showcasing their skills and expertise in identifying significant bugs swiftly, with no cap on earnings. The more quality bugs they find, the greater the rewards they can achieve.

Culture & Diversity

At Ubertesters, our community of freelance testers is globally distributed. We take pride in celebrating diversity in all its forms and are dedicated to fostering an inclusive testing environment that welcomes people from diverse backgrounds, identities, and experiences.

Any questions?


What is bug hunting?

Bug hunting is a type of testing that is focused on identifying and reporting issues or defects in software or systems. The primary objective of bug hunting is to improve the stability and overall quality of the software or system. This can be achieved through free-style testing, where testers have the freedom to explore and test the software application without following predefined test cases or scripts.

Unlike regular testing, bug hunting is often used in exploratory testing, where the main goal is to discover as many defects as possible and gain insights into the software's behavior and usability. Testers are given a specific scope or area to focus on and are tasked with finding as many bugs as possible within that scope. The testers are paid ‘per-bug’ found and not for ‘time-spent’. The more severe or significant the bug, the higher the reward for the tester who finds it.

How does bug hunting work?

Bug hunting is different from regular testing as it focuses specifically on identifying and reporting bugs while performing exploratory, ‘free-style’ testing, whereas regular testing involves a broader range of testing activities to ensure the software or system meets its requirements and functions as expected.

In bug-hunting projects, testers are rewarded based on the severity of the approved bugs they find. The severity of the approved bug will determine the payment amount, which is determined by the project manager and the client.

Is bug hunting available to all testers?

Ubertesters invites qualified and certified testers from our community to join our projects. However, the number of testers selected for each project may vary based on specific project or customer requirements. To ensure the submission of only high-quality bugs, each tester is allowed to report up to 5 bugs.

How much can I earn through bug hunting?

Testers will receive compensation for each bug they find, with a pre-defined dollar amount per bug based on its severity and how fast it was found. The rate per bug may be as high as $20 per single bug in some cases. However, the rate may be subject to adjustments at the discretion of the assigned project manager or the client. Furthermore, certain bug-hunting cycles may include bonus payouts for specific testers who demonstrate exceptional performance.

How do I get paid for bug hunting?

To get paid for bug hunting, testers will receive compensation in the following month after the test cycle has taken place. The payment will be based on a pre-defined dollar amount per bug, determined by its severity. The project manager will calculate the final payment, considering factors such as how quickly the bug was found and whether it was rejected by the client for being non-relevant or duplicated. Rest assured that your efforts will be duly rewarded based on the quality and significance of the bugs you identify during the bug-hunting cycle.

Is bug hunting more difficult than regular testing? What is the difference?

Bug hunting may be more challenging than regular testing because testers need to focus on finding specific bugs rather than conducting a comprehensive test of the entire system. The goal of bug hunting is to find as many significant bugs as possible in a shorter amount of time, so testers need to have strong technical skills and be efficient in their bug-finding process.

Can I still participate in the regular testing service?

Yes, Ubertesters offers regular testing services in addition to bug hunting. Testers can choose to participate in both services.

How do I sign up for bug hunting?

You can apply to become a tester for Ubertesters on our website. The selection process is competitive, and only a limited number of testers are invited to participate in each bug-hunting cycle. To increase your chances of being chosen, make sure that you have a high rating and that you have filled out your profile completely.

What do Project Managers expect from me?

Project managers expect testers to find and report valid and significant bugs while following guidelines and instructions for the specific project. Testers are also expected to provide clear and detailed bug reports and to follow the Ubertesters community rules such as keeping in touch with the Project Manager (PM), being open to opportunities, and being honest if something goes wrong during the test cycle.

What does a good bug report look like?

A good bug report should be clear and concise, describing the issue in detail, along with the steps to reproduce it. Screenshots and videos have also to be included to provide additional information.

Why should I take part in bug-hunting projects?

Bug hunting can help you develop and refine your technical skills, expose you to new technologies, and provide opportunities for personal and professional growth. It also rewards efficient and effective testers, providing a chance to earn more money and establish yourself as a skilled professional in software testing.

What types of bugs will I be looking for in bug hunting?

You will be looking for various types of bugs, including functional bugs, usability bugs, security bugs, and performance bugs. You will be paid only for unique approved bugs.

How much time do I have to find a bug?

The amount of time you have to find a bug depends on the specific project and the scope of the bug-hunting cycle. Generally, you will have a limited time to identify and report bugs. We recommend working quickly, as we will only pay the fastest testers. For example, if you find the same bug long after it was already reported, we won’t approve it for payment.

How many bugs can I work on at once in bug hunting?

You can work on multiple bugs at once in bug hunting, but it's important to prioritize the most significant bugs and ensure that your bug reports are clear and concise. We will approve only 5 bugs for one tester at a time.

Will participating in bug hunting affect my rating as a tester?

The participation in bug hunting has an effect on the tester rating. If the tester is successful in finding significant bugs and delivering accurate and complete reports, the rating will increase.

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